

ASBMB’s Capitol Hill Day

The Public Affairs Advisory Committee advocates on behalf of ASBMB members for evidence-based science policy, sustained investments in fundamental research, and workplace policies that enhance the training of the next generation of scientists and that increase diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in the nation’s research enterprise. Every year, our committee members come to Washington, D.C., to ensure that policymakers recognize the importance of science funding and supporting the science workforce.

ASBMB’s Capitol Hill Day image

Previous Capitol Hill Days


ASBMB members meet with lawmakers on the Hill

In 48 meetings, scientists advocated for budget increases for NIH, NSF and DOE.


Recap: 2022 ASBMB Capitol Hill Day

Twenty-six participants in 19 states connected with officials and staffers in 59 meetings to advocate for science funding and support.


Advocates visit Capitol Hill

Twenty students joined members of the Public Affairs Advisory Committee for the ASBMB’s annual Hill Day, an opportunity to meet members of Congress and advocate for continued federal funding of...


2018 Hill Day recap

This year, the ASBMB brought 35 Hill Day attendees to Washington, D.C. (15 ASBMB PAAC members and 20 undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs). The participants represented 27 states and attended 85...


2017 Hill Day recap

This year the ASBMB brought 29 participants to Washington, D.C. (12 ASBMB PAAC members and 17 grad students, undergraduates, and postdocs) representing 33 states and attended close to 90 meetings.