
ASBMB accreditation Q&A: Information and COVID-19 update

April 29, 2020 | Duration: 51 mins.

What are the requirements to earn ASBMB accreditation?

Members of the accreditation evaluation team will describe the characteristics of an ASBMB-accredited program, walk through an application, and address concerns related to COVID-19's impact on existing guidelines.

This webinar replaces the live Q&A session at the 2020 Annual Meeting.


Adele Wolfson

Professor Emerita of Biochemistry, Wellesley College

Peter Kennelly

Professor of Biochemistry, Virginia Tech

John Tansey

Professor of Chemistry, Otterbein University

Quira Zeidan

Quira Zeidan, Moderator
ASBMB Education and Public Outreach Coordinator

Who should watch

Educators, researchers, lecturers, professors, program directors, department/division chairs and other faculty at institutions with bachelor's degree programs in biochemistry and molecular biology and/or related disciplines.

Learning objectives

  • Recognize the characteristics of an ASBMB-accredited program
  • Explain the general guidelines and requirements of the accreditation process
  • Answer common questions surrounding the application form
  • Describe the benefits of accreditation for students, programs and educators
  • Address concerns related to COVID-19 changes to program content, delivery methods and assessment

Key takeaways

In this webinar you will learn basic and practical details about the accreditation application process, including essential requirements, desired program hallmarks and guidelines to complete and submit application materials. The webinar will be in a Q&A format, with a short opening presentation followed by an open session for participants’ questions.

Additional resources



ASBMB accreditation recognizes excellence in undergraduate degree programs in biochemistry and molecular biology and related disciplines.


Accreditation: Participant perspectives, in triplicate

Representatives of three diverse institutions explain what ASBMB accreditation in biochemistry and molecular biology has brought to their programs.